
A Post

Still thinking of what I'm going to type in here. What's the purpose of having this blog, what to tell, do I need to tell and so on. I don't know what exactly I'm looking towards of starting this blog. I used to have one but that's just the old me. I'm new, perhaps. After heal from illness. After suffered from all the pain but still, I miss my old me. Those pride time, those wasted time. No worry, nothing to worry at all. Then only I've learned and understand the term of "friends". Thank you friends. For everything. Either good or else. Thank you again for the "else".

After a few/some words, I've conclude this is the purposes of having and writing on blog. To tell people, the inner and outside of you. But then, not all of it should be told here. Keep it right in your heart, to your head and decide, on whom are you going to share it with.

Thank you.